Earliest human altars, including evidence of prehistoric bear-cult.
Domestication of dog
Catal Huyuk cave-drawings depict leopard men hunting
Epic of Gilamesh written down (first literary evidence of werewolves)
Odyssey written down (includes many traces of werewolf beliefs)
Scythians recorded as believing the Neuri to be werewolves.
Damarchus, Arcadian werewolf, said to have won boxing medal at Olympics
Virgil's eighth ecologue (first voluntary transformation of werewolf)
Petronius, Satyricon
Apuleius, Metamorphosis composed
Pausanias visits Arcadia and hears of Lykanian werewolf rites
St. Patrick arrives in Ireland
Saint Albeus (Irish) said to have been suckled by wolves
Wolves said to have attacked heretical monks
Paulus Aegineta describes "melancholic lycanthropia"
First use of the word "werewulf" recorded in English
Death of Prince Vseslav of Polock, alleged Ukrainian werewolf
Giraldus claims to have discovered Irish werewolf couple
Guillaume de Palerne composed
Marie de France composes Bisclavret
Lai de Melion composed
Volsungasaga, Germanic werewolf saga, written down
Wolf child of Hesse discovered
First major outbreak of the Black Death
Werewolves mentioned during witchcraft trial at Basel
Else of Meerburg accused of riding a wolf
Malleus Maleficarum published
Swiss woman tried for riding a wolf
Woman tried for riding a wolf at Lucerne
Werewolves of Poligny burnt
Paduan werewolf dies after having arms and legs cut off
Witekind interviews self-confessed werewolf at Riga Johann Weyer takes up post of doctor at Cleve
Modern French version of Guillaume published at Lyon
Olaus Magnus records strange behavior of Baltic werewolves
First publication of Della Porta, Magiae naturalis
First publication of Weyer, De praestigus daemonum
St. Bartholomew's Day of Massacre, intensification of French civil war
Gilles Garnier burnt as werewolf
Trials of the benandanti begin in the Friuili (and will continue for a century)
Rebellion at Romans with cannibalistic overtones
Reginald Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft published
Alleged date of Auvergne female werewolf (Boguet)
Peter Stubb executed as werewolf at Cologne
2nd edition of Bouget, Discours des sorciers
Jean Grenier tried as werewolf and is sentenced to life imprisonment
Webster's Duchess of Malfi published
Famine in Franche-Comte: cannibalism reported
Cromwellian law forbids export of Irish wolfhounds
The Livonian werewolf Theiss interrogated
Perrault's Contes includes "Little Red Riding Hood"
De Tournefort sees vampire exhumation
Bete de Gevaudon starts werewolf scare in Auvergne
Widespread fear of wolves reported in France
Victor of Aveyron first seen
French population falls below 2000
Grimm Brothers publish their version of "Little Red Riding Hood"
Antoine Leger tried for werewolf crimes and sentenced to lunatic asylum
Death of Victor of Averyon
Souix warriors reported hunting in wolfskins
Folklorist collects werewolf tale in Picardy
Johann Weyer's book reprinted at Paris
Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde published
Freud lists Weyer's book as among ten most significant ever published
The Werewolf (film) using real wolf in transformation scene
Freud publishes "wolf man" paper
Jekyll & Hyde (film) starring Frederic March
Werewolf of London (film)
Wolf Man (film) starring Lon Chaney Jr.
House of Frankenstein (film) includes mention of silver bullet
Outbreak of ergotism at Pont-Saint-Esprit
Ogburn & Bose, On the trail of the Wolf-Children published
I Was a Teenage Werewolf (film)
Shamdeo discovered living among wolves in India
Surawicz & Banta publish first two modern cases of lycanthopy
An American Werewolf in London (film) includes first four-footed werewolf
"The Wolfman" escapes from Broadmoor
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